Starting a comic book from a writers perspective
I decided that I want to create a comic book. I started this blog because I believe others would find what I have learned useful. I'll add more blogs as I go. I am always writing. It's a hobby I really enjoy. I have several books that are in progress (novels, novellas, series) which I write in my spare time. One day I'll actually get to finish them but I started to think, maybe I could progress a little quicker if my stories weren't all just purely the written word. I've been working on a paranormal Detective series (with elements of horror) I named 'The Brink' with all kinds of story arcs and I thought this would be great as a comic. I enjoyed comic books when I was a kid but it's only really been the last few years (now I'm in my 30s) that I've really started to appreciate them. I particularly like The Walking Dead, Black Magik and Rick and Morty. I also began reading Gasolina and The Chair recently too which have been really good. I used...